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CPU, memory and IO stats for all K8s processes in your cluster.

time_TIME64NSMETRIC_COUNTERTimestamp when the data record was collected.
upidUINT128GENERALAn opaque numeric ID that globally identify a running process inside the cluster.
major_faultsINT64METRIC_COUNTERNumber of major page faults
minor_faultsINT64METRIC_COUNTERNumber of minor page faults
cpu_utime_nsINT64METRIC_COUNTERTime spent on user space by the process
cpu_ktime_nsINT64METRIC_COUNTERTime spent on kernel by the process
num_threadsINT64METRIC_GAUGENumber of threads of the process
vsize_bytesINT64METRIC_GAUGEVirtual memory size in bytes of the process
rss_bytesINT64METRIC_GAUGEResident memory size in bytes of the process
rchar_bytesINT64METRIC_COUNTERIO reads in bytes of the process
wchar_bytesINT64METRIC_COUNTERIO writes in bytes of the process
read_bytesINT64METRIC_COUNTERIO reads actually go to storage layer in bytes of the process
write_bytesINT64METRIC_COUNTERIO writes actually go to storage layer in bytes of the process
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